What Scripture calls Babylon has confused many people. Is Babylon a city in Iraq? Is it Rome? Is it the Roman Catholic Church? Is it England and the British Throne? Is it an Empire, or a Nation, or a City? Books have been written by people supporting and defending each one of those ideas. People on Facebook and in YouTube videos and on Blogs, argue incessantly over these things.

I am going to suggest that the answer to all those questions is yes, and that those who argue for one over the other are simply failing to see the big picture. Having become obsessed with one aspect of that great truth, they have rejected all but their own idea. Because they see the absolute veracity and truth in the small thing they have seen, they assume that anything else… anything beyond or different from what they have discovered must be false.

Babylon did not start with the city and empire that conquered Israel and took Daniel captive; it started on the plain of Shinar at a place known as Sumer. It was from there that Nimrod ruled and it was there that the great tower that came to be known as Babel was built. It was here that the first pagan religion was codified and imposed on the people. The religion of Sumer, is the Mother of all pagan religions in the world. Apart from genuine, biblical Judaism and Christianity, there is no religion, including Atheistic Humanism, that cannot be traced back to Nimrod, the Plain of Shinar, and Sumer (Sue-mer, not Summer.)

Every age and every world empire has been built on the foundations of Babel. Every age and every world empire has modified and changed the outer trappings of that religion to make it their own. When Babylon later ruled the world, they changed the names of the gods and some of the outward signs, symbols and forms of the religion, making it their own.

In succession, Egypt changed the religion, calling Nimrod by the Egyptian name Osiris, and adding new and strange details to the legend. The Egyptian form of the religion remains the chief form. It is Egyptian Magic that permeates the New World Order and motivates its devotees. The Greeks called Osiris / Horus, Apollo… The Romans called him by the same name or sometimes Apollyon. The Hebrews came to call him Abaddon. Each kingdom added to the story and changed the details to fit their own culture and liking. At the heart though, nothing changed. The religion of Rome was the religion of Sumer. The fallen angels of Genesis 6, were not angels, nor were they fallen; they were gods and they controlled the destinies of men and nations.

Israel, from the beginning, was a thorn in the side of Osiris. Truth threatens lie, and Jehovah threatened Lucifer. From the days of Babylon, through Egypt, Greece and Rome, Judaism was the enemy of men and nations. Every effort was made, in every age, to destroy the Nation and its people. Then, during the days of the Roman Empire, Jesus was born and the Church was birthed.

Where Israel was a nation and seldom carried its ideas beyond her borders, Christianity was an idea. Christianity knew no borders and spread like wildfire. The more Christians Rome killed, the more Christians there were. Christianity was taking over the world at an unbelievable pace.

One day, a Roman Emperor woke up to the reality that he was outnumbered. His soldiers would no longer slaughter Christians, his soldiers were Christians. Constantine and the religion of Nimrod were on the way out. Lucifer too, saw the problem and came to Constantine, appearing as an Angel of Light, he gave the emperor a dream. Constantine saw a cross and the words written, “In hoc signo vinces,” “In this sign, conquer.” At that moment, the war against Christ and the Saints was forever changed.

Suddenly, the ancient religion of Sumer was baptized “Christian.” Osiris became “The Father”, Horus, “The Son”, Isis was baptized “Mary” and Mary, the simple mother of Jesus, became “The Queen of Heaven” and the “Mother of God”, titles that Isis had held for three thousand years. Every pagan deity was given a “Christian” name… Ancient pagan gods became known as “Saint Peter”, “Saint Thomas”, “Saint Phillip” and ten thousand other “Saints.”

The Altar of Christ was changed into the Altar of Baal. In his book The Faith of Millions, John O’Brien, a Catholic priest and full Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, explains the procedure of the mass.

“When the priest pronounces the tremendous words of consecration, he reaches up into the heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon our altar to be offered up again as the Victim for the sins of man. It is a power greater than that of monarchs and emperors: it is greater than that of saints and angels, greater than that of Seraphim and Cherubim. Indeed, it is greater even than the power of the Virgin Mary. While the Blessed Virgin was the human agency by which Christ became incarnate a single time, the priest brings Christ down from heaven, and renders Him present on our altar as the eternal Victim for the sins of man—not once but a thousand times! The priest speaks and lo! Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows His head in humble obedience to the priest’s command.”

Scripture says:

For the Messiah did not enter a sanctuary made with hands (only a model of the true one) but into heaven itself, so that He might now appear in the presence of God for us. He did not do this to offer Himself many times, as the high priest enters the sanctuary yearly with the blood of another. Otherwise, He would have had to suffer many times since the foundation of the world. But now He has appeared one time, at the end of the ages, for the removal of sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment— so also the Messiah, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him. (Hebrews 9:24-28)

With Martin Luther, Protestants began to come out of that mess and those saved, washed in the Blood of the Lamb and filled with the Spirit, ran as far as they could run… but Rome again began to slaughter true believers. God was faithful and his Church flourished and grew. Unfortunately, they did not run far enough and continued to view the Roman Church as a church that had fallen into sin… They never saw that the Roman Church had never been Christian and was, at its very core, the religion of Babel.

In the Middle Ages, Biblical Christianity flourished, beyond the reach of Rome, in the Middle East and Africa. They, with the help of Lucifer, found their man… a young, fairly wealthy trader named Mohammad. There was a rich widow in the area, Khadījah, a devout Catholic, when her husband died, she had given her wealth to the church, taken vows as a Nun and retired to a Convent. Her superiors introduced her to a pagan trader named Mohammad. Even though she was more than old enough to be his mother, they encouraged her to court him. They instructed her on what she must do, gave her all of her money back, and blessed the wedding with the soon to be “Prophet of Islam.” Soon after they were married, Mohammad had his first vision. He was terrified and convinced he had seen a demon. Khadījah, convinced him that it was an Angel and that he should return and meet with the Angel, learning what “God” wanted him to learn. Thus, was born the religion of Islam.

Islam has, in conjunction with Rome, a super respect for “Mary”. Not the real mother of Jesus from the Bible but Isis. Mary, called Maryam by the Muslims, is the only woman mentioned in the Koran and she is mentioned 33 times. The Allah of Islam is Nimrod, Osiris, Apollo, Abaddon or whatever name you want to call him. Islam has changed the names and the details but, at its heart, Islam is the religion of Sumer, Babel and Egypt.


England would rule the World next. There was a time when the “sun never set on the British Empire.” The Jesuits were involved in England and God’s people fled to America. Much could be said about England, but our purpose here is to point out that power passed from Rome, through England, to America. British Royalty, were and are, of demon blood. Every American President, save one, has been related to the British Crown. The Anglican Church is the bastard daughter of Rome and the religion of Babel passed through England to America. England became Babylon and the United States, birthed out of England, became the “Daughter of Babylon.”

 Columbus and America

You probably know that “in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue” but there is more to the story of Spain, Columbus and 1492.

Early in 1492 when Boabdil-the last of the Moorish rulers, surrendered the keys to Granada. Columbus was an eyewitness. The long war against the Moors had ended; now the energies of the kingdom could be directed outward. The prior of the Dominican convent of La Rábida, Father Juan Perez, the confessor of the queen, probably in January, 1492, was impressed by Columbus. He spoke to the Queen and she influenced the king.

“In the same month in which their Majesties [Ferdinand and Isabella] issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indies.” So begins Christopher Columbus’s diary. The expulsion that Columbus refers to was so cataclysmic an event that ever since, the date 1492 has been almost as important in Jewish history as in American history. On July 30 of that year, the entire Jewish community, some 200,000 people, were expelled from Spain.

Tens of thousands of refugees died while trying to reach safety. In some instances, Spanish ship captains charged Jewish passengers exorbitant sums, then dumped them overboard in the middle of the ocean. In the last days before the expulsion, rumors spread throughout Spain that the fleeing refugees had swallowed gold and diamonds, and many Jews were knifed to death by brigands hoping to find treasures in their stomachs.

1492 was an earth-shaking year:

  • Islam was beaten and Catholicism reigned supreme.
  • The Inquisition was in full force.
  • The Jewish community in Spain was the largest in the world.
  • The Jews were given thirty days to convert or leave Spain.
  • The Government confiscated all the wealth and property of the Jews.
  • Father Juan Perez got Columbus before the King.
  • The King, used the money from the Jews to finance the voyage of Columbus.
  • Columbus discovered America.
  • America would become the next safe haven and home for the Jews.


America would not only become a home to the Jews but Christians from all over Europe, would flee the persecution of the Roman Church and come to America. Soon the area that is now the very pagan North-East in the United States, was home to the largest Evangelical Christian Community in the world. Rome was more than aware of that fact.

Soon, Pagan Europeans with money, power and influence, began to flood into America. These men were not Christian but they wanted to rule an Evangelical and Protestant people for the Pope. As in the days of Constantine, this would call for stealth. This would be an undercover operation. Jesuits would soon pose as Protestant Ministers. Jesuit controlled Secret Societies, including the Masons, would come in like a flood. Supported by Rome, and with the blessings of Lucifer, these men had both money and power. Soon they would govern the Land.

Always speaking with Christian words and phrases, they would sell demonic ideas to Christians who would accept these noble sounding ideas as if they were Christian ideas, coming from God himself. Since the day the Tower of Babel came down and the people were scattered, it has been the goal of Lucifer to reunite the world. This is the goal of the New World Order today and this was the goal of our founding fathers. Working with an idea first proposed by Plato and recently developed in a novel called “THE NEW ATLANTIS” by Sir Francis Bacon, they divided the land into exactly thirteen colonies.

This was not an accident, it was Egyptian magic. Set cut Osiris into fourteen pieces. One piece, his penis, was lost but Isis found thirteen pieces, sewed them together, made a fake penis with her own hands and impregnated herself. They would divide the land into thirteen pieces, sew it together, put a Capitol, not part of the thirteen, in the middle and construct a penis (called the “Washington Monument.”) They would bring people from ever nation, tribe and tongue and unite them with a single government, culture and language. This would undo Babel and form the most powerful nation the world had ever known. This nation would one day give birth to the New World Order, Undoing Babel on a worldwide scale and crowning Lucifer as God…

The day has come. The United States must die and the United States of the World must be born. All the chaos you see on the news is provoked by these people, for that purpose.

Based on History and Scripture, I tell you that Rome is Babylon and the Roman System is Babylonian. Islam is the bastard son of Babylon, England is the heir of Babylon and the United States is the Daughter of Babylon. Babylon is a religion, a system, and a church. Islam is form of Babylonian Religion and as Babylon ruled the world under the Ottoman Empire. We are all related.

The current, reigning Babylon is the United States of America. In every way, we rule the world. The wealth, the power, the luxury, the sin and the perversion of the world is centered in America. The “Whore of Babylon” sits in New York Harbor. New York City is the City of Babylon. The United States is the Nation of Babylon, Rome is the Religion and the Power of Babylon. Islam is the bastard son of Babylon… It is one big family and we will all take part in the end and we will all suffer the wrath of God.

Understand that the Hindu gods are the gods of Babel with Indian names. Mother Earth is a Babylonian god. Atheistic Humanism is a form of the religion of Babel. The Pope, a Jesuit, is trying to regress the whole world and unite the world under the raw religion of Babel. Catholics and Atheists and Protestants, and Hindus, and Muslims and Buddhists and African Animists and witches and warlocks… all religions will unite around Isis, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God.” Osiris will rule the world until Jesus comes…

If you read this far, you are a brave person indeed… Thank you. May God richly bless you and may you share what you just learned with all God’s Children, everywhere…



With Johnny Depp adding his voice to the furor, it is becoming more than obvious that the Luciferian Elite are planning on killing Trump.

LONDON — Johnny Depp has been no fan of President Donald Trump, but the Hollywood star took his rhetoric up a level when he raised the prospect of the president being killed.

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” he asked a cheering crowd at the Glastonbury music festival in the U.K. on Thursday night. “Now I want to clarify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it’s been awhile and maybe it’s time.”

How many things have been foretold in the Simpson’s animated cartoon show? They predicted the attacks of 9/11 and the election of President Trump. They have also shown Trump, lying in state, in a coffin. Then there was Kathy Griffin, posing with a severed head of Donald Trump. The threats to assassinate The Donald continue to mount. What is going on?


First, you must understand that we are dealing with Luciferians, people who have literally sold their soul to the Devil in return for wealth, fame and power. These people believe in Lucifer because they have seen him work in their lives; they have reaped the physical rewards of their devotion. One of the most basic tenants of Luciferianism is the idea of karma, what goes around, comes around. They believe that if they do good, it will come back to them and if they do evil, it will come back to haunt them. What they plan to do is evil and if they did it in secret, that evil would come back on their heads.

There is a way to cheat karma however, all you have to do is announce your actions in advance and give your intended victim(s) time to respond and defend themselves. If you do that, the doctrine of Lucifer teaches, even though you take the action and what you do is evil, what happens to them is their fault and no evil will come back on you.

These Luciferian Elitists are dead serious in what they believe. They will announce their plans, in advance, every single time. After that, what they do to us, no matter how evil, is our fault and they are protected from karma. This is why they wrote their plan to reduce the world’s population to 500 million people, through the slaughter of 6.5 billion people, in granite, on the Georgia Guidestones. With that plan carved in granite and left for the world to see, they can kill as many of us as they like, with no fear of supernatural retribution.


You must also understand that these people are pagan in the strongest sense of the word. The Elitists believe in the ancient gods and revere them. They are convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the ancient magic works and works well. They believe that they can coerce and control the demons and force them to do their bidding.

This is why our country was founded with so much magic. In the ancient religion of Egypt, Set cut Osiris in fourteen pieces. Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, found everything but his penis. She put him back together, made an artificial penis and impregnated herself, becoming the “virgin” mother of Horus, who she claimed was Osiris reincarnated and whom she married when he was a preteen. Thirteen pieces were joined and became one… that is strong magic. That is the reason that thirteen colonies were joined together as one, nothing is an accident.

Hold on, I am getting to the point…

The United States now represented Osiris, the brother and husband of Isis… Magic!

Washington DC, which is not legally a part of the United States, or any state in the Union, represented Isis in their magic. Isis, or Washington DC, had a womb… Domes in buildings, have represented the womb since earliest antiquity and the Capitol Dome was the Womb of Isis.

The United States, however, was emasculated. The thirteen colonies represented each of the thirteen pieces of Osiris found by Isis… We were a complete man, missing only a phallus… Not a problem. The Egyptian Obelisk has always represented the male penis. We then built an erect penis for Osiris… it is called the Washington Monument and it overshadows the Womb of Isis, also known as the Capitol Dome. Both the Dome and the Monument, womb and penis were fixed and refurbished, just in time for Trump’s inauguration.


If the United States represents Osiris and Washington DC represents Isis, if the Capitol Dome is the womb of Isis and the Washington Monument is the artificial penis of Osiris, we are waiting for the birth of Horus. If the United States is Osiris, dead but reconstructed, and Washington DC is Isis, the dome is her womb and the monument is the penis, the child, produced in that womb will be Horus and Horus, married to and the son of Isis (Washington DC) is the New World Order or the Kingdom of the Beast.

The New World Order will be the child of Washington DC. Osiris will die and Isis will marry the New World Order which will be both her son and her husband. Out of the ashes of the United States the New World Order will rise, like a Phoenix… This is magic of the first order.


Apollyon or Abaddon, also known as Apollo, Osiris and Nimrod, will escape from Tartarus, the Bible tells me so. But Nimrod is a spirit without a body. Antichrist must be a man and Nimrod needs a body.

Revelation 9:11 They had as their king the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he has the name Apollyon.


With Johnny Depp adding his voice to the furor, it is becoming more than obvious that the Luciferian Elite are planning on killing Trump. You might be getting the idea as to why from the things you have just read, but let me spell it out for you…

It is the intention of the Elite to form a New World Order. This, in their minds, will undo the damage done by Jehovah at Babel and reunite the whole world under one government and the ancient, pagan religion of Sumer. This will be the United States of the World. What the United States was on a continent, the New World Order will be on a worldwide basis.

Apollo, who is Osiris, who is Nimrod, will be resurrected. I believe that their plan is to have Trump assassinated. His soul will go to Hell and his body will lie in state in the womb of Isis, in the shadow of the penis of Osiris. It is here, in this magical place, that the spirit of Nimrod / Osiris / Apollo will be incarnated in the body of Trump and there will be a phony resurrection. Ancient legend tells us that the face of Nimrod was deeply wounded when he was killed. The same story is found in Egyptian accounts of the death of Osiris. It is most likely that Trump will have a massive head wound.

This will be more than Egyptian magic… This will be the Devil’s triumph. Lucifer never had an original thought. Everything he has ever done has been a twisted copy of something that Jehovah has done. This will be no exception. The Man of Sin will be Satan’s son. Osiris was Satan’s son. His mother was a Gibborum, half angel, half human, making Osiris three quarters angel, one quarter man.

As Jesus was the Son of God, incarnate in the body of a man, Antichrist will be the son of Satan, incarnate in the body of a man. As Jesus was killed and resurrected, so the Antichrist will be killed and resurrected. As the body of Jesus carried scars and visible wounds, the body of the Antichrist will be scarred, with visible wounds.


I have quoted multiple articles recently, which speak of the major Rabbis in Israel speaking of Trump as one of their two Messiahs. In their myth, one of their Messiahs is killed but resurrected by the other Messiah. If Trump is killed, I believe that Pope Francis will be involved in the resurrection. There will be Marian Apparitions, both at the place and time of the resurrection and around the world as Mary (Isis, Queen of Heaven) proclaims that this is her son. At the same time, aliens (the demons released with Apollyon) appear to help us and rescue us from ourselves… The Pope will call down fire from heaven and demand that the people worship the resurrected Trump…

All this is the obvious and clearly spelled out plan of Lucifer. If it does not work, it is because it was not time and God thwarted their plan. I believe that it will work. I am convinced that it is time. Even the Heavens are announcing the end of time… The Tribulation is upon us…



All of these signs, and too many more to list, are happening in the 69th year of the Generation that Jesus said would not pass away before the end.

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth. Revelation 12:1,2

That sign in the heavens will happen on September 23, 2017, it will not be repeated for some 7,000 years. (No, I am not predicting the Rapture)

A professional doubter wrote that that event is “as phony as the Blood Moon Tetrad.” Many people missed the Blood Moon Tetrad, looking for something earth shattering to occur. What did happen, passed quietly under the Radar for most.

All eyes were on September of 2015 because of the end of the Shemitah and the four Blood Moons. That was fairly recent and I do not think it necessary to go into detail. I am sure that you remember all the hype. Nothing earth shattering happened on that particular day however, as many had expected. The night of the last Blood Moon, many were expecting something to happen that would shake the world. When nothing of that magnitude happened, many were disappointed.

So, did nothing happen at that time? No, something very prophetic happened. It was quiet. Many Christians picked up on it at the instant it happened but most never saw it at all.

Jesus, in John 5:43, said,

“I have come in My Father’s name, yet you don’t accept Me. If someone else comes IN HIS OWN NAME, you will accept him.”


On September 28th, 2015, the largest group of Heads of State, ever assembled together in one place, in the history of the world, was at the United Nations in New York.

Pope Francis stood before that group and the world. In his opening remarks, the Pontiff said, “Thank you for your kind words. Once again, following a tradition by which I feel honored, the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of nations. “IN MY OWN NAME…”


Time changed before that… So many people looked forward to December 2012.

  1. There were some who talked about the world ending in 2012. That was foolishness. Others set dates for the Rapture in that year, something Scripture would strongly advise against. I have come to strongly question the doctrine of the Rapture. I personally believe that God goes through the Great Tribulation with His Saints and that the Day of the Lord and the Rapture are one and the same. I will not argue that here and you are welcome to your personal belief. If there is a Rapture, I am going. The point is that I never believed that the world would end in 2012 nor did I believe the Rapture would occur in that year. Nonetheless, I believed that something would happen that year… something ominous and foreboding. Why did I believe that? Did anything happen in 2012 that changed the world?
  2. If we use God’s Calendar, the year of all the prophecies was 5773 which ran from September 2012 through September 2013.
  3. In the book, TEMPLE AT THE CENTER OF TIME, David Flynn, uses Isaac Newton’s math to come to the conclusion that there would be a change of the Ages in 2012.
  4. The Zohar, written by Jews 700 years ago, claims that in the Jewish year 5773, God would rain Fire and Hail on Rome and the Antichrist would be revealed.
  5. The Mayan Calendar ends in the Year 5773 with the return of their “Flying Dragon” god, Kulkulkan.
  6. The Aztec Calendar ends in the year 5773 with the return of their “Flying Dragon” god, Quetzalcoatl.
  7. The Cherokee Indian Calendar ends in 5773 with the return of their “Flying Rattlesnake” god.
  8. The Hindu Kali Yuga Calendar ends in 5773 at the end of the age of the “Male Demon”.
  9. Jonathan Edwards tied the arrival of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation to 2012 (or 5773)
  10. In 1878, Rev. William J. Reid wrote, “…we are prepared to answer the question, When will the Papal system come to an end? …in the year 2012.” (5773) (Lectures on the revelation. Author: Reid, William J. page 306)
  11. The thousand year old Prophecy of St. Malachy predicts that Pope Francis will be the “Last Pope” a man who will usher in the Tribulation and whose reign will end with the coming of the “Terrible Judge”. Thomas Horn and Chris Putnam discuss this at length in their book, Petrus Romanus.
  12. We know that right before Christmas, in the same time frame as the December 21st, 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar; there was a terrible Coup in the Vatican that forced the resignation of Benedict XVI. While the resignation was not announced until February of 2013 and did not take effect until the end of that month, the deed was done at the end of 2012 and on the Jewish (God’s) calendar. The Hebrew year was 5773.
  13. The “Last Pope” was installed on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In the Jewish Year, 5773.

“Sit silently, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, For you will no longer be called The queen of kingdoms…” Isaiah 47:5


We are in a season where Yellowstone has seen hundreds of earthquakes in just the last week. If it blows big, tens of millions could die, we could lose power in most of the nation, ash would cover the living and the dead, Hoover Dam could break, killing a million or more downstream and a huge canyon could divide us into East and west America.

Tensions have never been higher with North Korea and Russia. Syria is boiling, with Russian and American forces now face to face. Damascus has become a “pile of ruins.” Many nuclear nations seem poised to launch nukes in our direction. Rumors abound of Nuclear bombs sitting on the bottom, off both coasts. Bombs that can be set off by satellite or a distant submarine. Bombs that would produce radioactive tsunamis. Russian, Chinese, and even North Korean ships are often spotted off our coasts.

There is an interior threat from Islam and other demonized radicals. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been thrown at Black Lives Matter by Caucasian Jewish Billionaires, in the hopes that they will start a civil war that will bring us to our knees. Lucifer is determined to launch his New World Order. The United States is the last obstacle in his way.

Trump and his Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, seem poised to sign a treaty with Israel, the Palestinians and the Pope that will facilitate the building of the Third Temple. Rabbis in Israel have openly identified our President as their Messiah.

All of these signs, and too many more to list, are happening in the 69th year of the Generation that Jesus said would not pass away before the end.

To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.’ For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong. Revelation 18:7,8


Whatever you believe about the United States today; whether you accept that we are the Babylon of End-Times-Prophecy or not, you must understand that we have come to the end of our days. The church is in wild and crazy apostasy, we serve other gods and offer the blood of more than a million babies a year to Baal-Moloch, our morals have sunk lower than those of Rome under Caligula, and the Kingdom of the Beast will not share power with the United States.

Face it, we deserve the Judgment of a Holy God. If God does not judge us, He will cease to be Righteous.

It is time to get right with God!




Please remember the Devil…

As you watch James Comey perjure himself, and because his opening statement contradicts his previous testimony to Congress, he will perjure himself, please remember the Devil…

If you see this from a purely human point of view, you will quickly become confused and ensnared. Nothing you will see is real; nothing. Certainly, the players see it as real, and their future lies in the balance. People will win, people will lose and people will be hurt. In that sense, it is real. In a broader sense, it is not.

Let us start from the top and work our way down. Perhaps, placing things in order will help you to understand the twisted plot in this celestial puppet show. Not everything in the movie, THE MATRIX, was real but the premise is correct. What you perceive as reality is not. Your “reality” has been manufactured and sold by some very evil characters. The Bible is real. What you see with your eyes and hear with your ears is not. Most of your core beliefs are false. The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you will be freed from the deception that engulfs you and in which you are drowning.

Before the beginning, before the time of Genesis 1:1, there was a war in Heaven. Long story but Lucifer, the “Covering Angel” and Heaven’s greatest musician, revolted and talked one third of Heaven’s Angels into joining the Revolution. That war rages on. It will not be complete until the end of the Millennial Reign when Lucifer (or Satan) is cast into the lake of fire. Battles often rage after a war has been decisively won by one side. The war has been won, there is no way for the loser to ever win, but troops on the ground continue to fight and die. Lucifer lost at Calvary, but the battle for the souls of men rages on. The last battle, as far as we are concerned, will be Armageddon. Even after that, at the end of the Millennium, Satan will be loosed to lead one final rebellion. As they used to say, “it ain’t over till it’s over.”

The Age of Reason has robbed you of the ability to perceive spiritual truth. As Westerners, we have learned to think in humanistic terms. Such a world view is not Christian and would have been unintelligible to the people in the Bible days. Paul wrote, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” As Westerners, we have been trained to think only in terms of “flesh and blood.”

2 Kings 6: 17 Then Elisha prayed, “Lord, please open his eyes and let him see.” So the Lord opened the servant’s eyes. He looked and saw that the mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

18 When the Arameans came against him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Please strike this nation with blindness.” So He struck them with blindness, according to Elisha’s word. 19 Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will take you to the man you’re looking for.” And he led them to Samaria. 20 When they entered Samaria, Elisha said, “Lord, open these men’s eyes and let them see.” So the Lord opened their eyes. They looked and discovered they were in Samaria.

This is the world you probably never saw. This is the World that is playing out on your Television today.

Daniel 10:12 “Don’t be afraid, Daniel,” he said to me, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for 21 days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me after I had been left there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to help you understand what will happen to your people in the last days, for the vision refers to those days.”

Not only do these spiritual beings exist, they are engaged in warfare. Unlike God’s Forces, Lucifer’s Forces are fallen creatures. The Devil’s side tend towards jealousy and infighting. The Enemy does not run a tight ship. There are, we know from both Biblical and extra-biblical sources (Enoch and others) that the world, after Babel, was divided into seventy nations, each under its own Spiritual Prince. These are fallen Principalities and they fight constantly. From such fights emanate human wars. Nations fight nations according to the fights between their Princes. There are now some two hundred nations in the world and each prince has several, for instance, it is probable that the Prince of Babylon controls the Vatican, England, the United States and perhaps others. Saudi Arabia and Iran are both Muslim nations but the Prince of Persia hates the Prince of Saudi Arabia with a purple passion.

These Jealous and evil spirits are now being confronted by Lucifer himself. It is, and has been Lucifer’s goal to unite the world as one, like it was before God divided it at Babel. Some of these Princes are on his side. The Prince of Babylon seems to sense that he will be a winner and that unification will give him even greater power. Smaller and less powerful Princes stand to lose everything. There is a war in the Heavens between those who are for the New World Order and those who are against it.

That war is playing out in Washington DC and on television screens around the world. There are very powerful spirits who do not want the New World Order. Their power over the United States and its people, is considerable. They are on the “Make America Great Again” team. There are other spirits who are equally powerful, who want to see the New World Order win… These spirits feel that they would have more power under such a system. These spirits are behind Comey and the Democratic Party; or so it seems.

There is a good chance that the Spirits behind Trump are pro New World Order and that they are only pretending to want to restore America. Often there are games of deceit played by these powers (they are demonic). People are easily fooled.

These principalities have a great amount of control over fallen men. Some of the Elite are descendants of the Nephilim. The control over these individuals is limitless. These spirits are Puppet Masters, manipulators of men. They use these men in a Puppet Show scripted in Hell. It is part of that show that played out today in the Comey hearings. Both Comey and Trump are puppets but they dance to different masters.

It is possible that Comey’s Puppet Master wants a New World Order and that Trump’s Puppet Master wants to maintain the United States. That could be the source of the conflict. I, however, do not believe that. I believe that both Comey’s and Trump’s Puppet Masters want a New World Order and that Trump’s Puppet Master believes that Trump will rule the world.

If they are on the same side, why the fight? If Democrats and Republicans are all for the New World Order, from whence comes the conflict? Did you ever see the actor playing the bad guy in a movie go out for drinks and dinner with the actor playing the hero? Ah! You are getting the picture now. The humans here may not, and probably do not know that they are puppets. The emotions, the deep-seated beliefs and the fight must seem very real to them. They too are Westerners, steeped in reason and convinced that spiritual powers do not exist. They do not know why they feel the way they do or act the way they do. They have no clue that they are puppets dancing on strings. The Principalities and Powers pulling the strings, have the script…

This fight, is designed by Lucifer, to destabilize and destroy the United States and make way for the New World Order. He must fight God and the Saints and he has to deal with petty demons who often rebel and do things in their own interest. That aside, Scripture tells us that he will win. There will be a New World Order. Babylon (that is us) will burn. Like a phoenix, the New World Order will rise out of the ashes of the United States.

Revelation 13:7 And he was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. He was also given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation.

What you are witnessing is the end of a war that has been going on since before the beginning. We are in the final days. Lucifer will win and for seven years he will rule…

Then comes Armageddon…

P.S. Christian, you are not a puppet. You are a child of the Living God. You are in Christ and Christ is in you (the Hope of Glory).




You may not understand this but I am prepared to jump up and down and shout Glory Hallelujah, if I am wrong on some points.

David A. Rice


I learn from books. Books shape the way I think and the way I see the world. All the information I present here has come from books. There have been entire books written to prove the points I may make here with a single sentence. There have been books written to debunk the books from which I take my points. As a matter of fact, there have been books written to disprove the Bible and the Resurrection.

You can find a book that will “prove” anything you want to believe. What I believe is centered on the Bible and informed by a thousand books. I have never read a book, outside of the Bible, where I agreed with everything the author wrote. That does not happen. I believe nothing simply because someone said so. What I believe, I have processed through my brain and found to be logical and in line with the Word of God. A thousand books have informed my thoughts but my thoughts are my own and I alone am responsible for them.

This is what I see. I expect you to argue with me. You are not me. These are my thoughts, not yours. In many cases, I hope and pray that I am wrong and others are right. You may not understand this but I am prepared to jump up and down and shout Glory Hallelujah, if I am wrong on some points. Nonetheless, this is what I believe.


There are two sides to everything. I believe that. I have read books that compare the United States with ancient Israel and predict our downfall because we have violated the oaths our Forefathers made in a little church at Ground Zero. I believe that is correct. I have read books that present strong and overwhelming evidence that our nation is the Babylon of End-Time Prophecy and that we will be destroyed for our evil. I agree with that. Some would argue that the two are mutually exclusive and that one has to be right and the other wrong. I don’t see it that way; I see them as complementary truths.

Did George Washington and members of Congress go into that church at what is now known as Ground Zero? Yes, history tells us that. Did they there make strong and binding oaths to Jehovah God? Yes, we have the transcripts of those vows. Did God take those oaths seriously? Of course, He did. Is it symbolic that the explosions of 9/11 destroyed everything around it but left that church standing? Of that I have no doubt. Are we like Israel? We are the only nation, outside of Israel, in all of history, to be dedicated to the God of Heaven, with solemn oaths, on the day of our founding. Will the breaking of those vows bring judgment? Absolutely.

There are a number of scholarly books that make a strong case that we are the Babylon of Revelation. I believe that.  These books point out many indisputable proofs that no other nation on earth could possibly fit the biblical descriptions of the daughter of Babylon and the Whore of Babylon. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, one should probably consider the evidence that it is a duck. We fit the description. They say that because of our great sin and because we have become the center of demonic evil over the whole world, the Judgment of a Holy God will soon fall on us. I find that logical and I believe it to be true.

Was George Washington a Christian? The strongest of evidence, including the testimony of at least two pastors would tell us that he was not. Why then did he make vows to the God of Heaven on the day of our nation’s founding? Because ninety percent of the people were Christian and the Church of Jesus Christ held tremendous power, spiritually, culturally and politically. The General was forced to play the game. He, therefore, in the name of the people of the United States, made the most solemn vows to the God of Heaven, promising that the people of the nation would always walk in obedience to God Almighty and conduct their affairs according to the Word of God. He went so far as to call down the judgment of God on the Nation should its people ever abandon their God. As the leader of a Christian People, the vows of their leader, no matter how pagan the man, were accepted by God. The judgment of God, called down on our heads by our first President, are already falling; one by one, by one.

At the same time, George Washington was a Mason. The god of masonry is Apollo, not Jehovah. His own Pastor said that the General was a deist and not a Christian. Jefferson cut and pasted his own Bible to make the Word of God conform to what he thought was right. That cut and pasted Bible is on display at Mount Vernon and copies may be purchased through Amazon dot Com. Ben Franklin was a member of the worst and most depraved secret societies in the world, in the US, in Britain and in France. He was the first publisher of pornography in the New World. Anyone who says that these men were Christian is a liar and the truth is not in them.

Our Government was founded by evil men, based on ancient Egyptian magic and Masonic principles. The noble sounding words found in the Declaration of Independence, come not from the Bible, but from Plato’s Republic and a Novel by Sir Francis Bacon, called THE NEW ATLANTIS. The whole idea of exactly thirteen independent colonies coming together as one, is straight out of Egyptian Magic and the religion of Osiris. The Government of the United States has always been pagan and evil. The goal of this nation was, from the very beginning, to undo Babel and form a foundation for a New World Order that would unite the whole world under a single government, with a single language and a single, very pagan, religion.

So, our nation consisted of a Christian people, ruled by a pagan government, forced to speak always as if it were Christian and sell a Luciferian idea as if it were from the God of the Christians. We were blessed and evil was contained and controlled because of the Church of Jesus Christ and the power of a Christian People. The games played by the Government were steeped in deceit. Master Masons rose through the ranks in every church and denomination. They convinced Christians that theirs was a Christian Nation and that God was Blessing because the Government was from God. That was a lie but the Church and the people bought it, hook, line and sinker. All but one of our Presidents was related to King John of England. They were family. This was an oligarchy. We voted, as if it were a democracy but the only candidates, at the Federal Level, were all in the family. We got to vote for Cousin Fred against Cousin Sam but it did not ever make any difference.

Today, the Church, for all intents and purposes, is dead. Christians hold no real power, culturally, politically or spiritually. The Government has come out of the closet. The evil that was for so long confined to back rooms and Masonic Temples, is out in the open for all to see. We are no longer a Christian People, governed by a pagan government, we are a pagan people ruled by a pagan government. Our connection to Israel is shattered. Our vows are broken. If we ever had a connection to the God of Heaven, that connection is long gone. Once, we were the People of God, ruled by the Government of Babylon. Today we are a Babylonian people, governed by the Government of Babylon.

We are now set up for a double Judgment. We have, as a people, violated the vows our first President made, in our name, to a Holy and Righteous God. We will be judged for exactly the same reason the Israel of God was judged and taken into captivity in Babylon. We are also facing Judgment based on the actions of our Government, taken now, in conjunction with her people. All of the judgment that the Bible promises against Babylon is about to fall on our head.


I believe that Europe and the Orient are going to continue to weaken. I believe that Donald Trump is going to live up to his name and become, in real power if not in name, the ruler of the world. I believe that the United States is going to become greater and more powerful than she has ever been. We are going to become so much like Babylon that the strongest critics of America as Babylon will no longer be able to deny the fact. We will rule the world.

I believe that the wimpy, politically correct American is about to go the way of the dinosaur and the Dodo bird. We are going to become militaristic and strong. We will again have the highest standard of living in the world. The New World Order will find its very first capitol in Washington D.C. The Unification of the world will start here.

I believe that there will be a war. The goal of this war will be to kill two thirds of the world’s population. In a short time, perhaps as little as seven months, one out of every three people in the world will die. Much of the world will be left as a nuclear wasteland. The United States will be destroyed in a single hour. We will be so radioactive that the nations of the world will stand off in fear… they will never set foot on American soil.

I believe that Islam will be destroyed in the same war. Mecca will be a nuclear wasteland. Muslims, worldwide, will be begging to join the Pope’s new religion. Most of the world’s population will join them. This will include most of the world’s Christians. Those who hold out will be slaughtered.  Even Obama, should he survive, will join the Pope’s religion. Donald Trump, should he survive, will join in enthusiastically.

It will be about this time that the Alien Disclosure will take place. They will show up to “save us from ourselves.” This will be when the Angel with the key to the bottomless pit arrives and Apollyon and his demons escape. Nimrod, in one way or another, will again rule the world. A treaty will be made with Israel (before or after the war?) The Dome of the Rock will be destroyed and the Temple will be constructed. Three and a half years later, the Man of Sin will sit in that Temple, “as if he were God, proclaiming himself to be God.”

I believe that Obama was sent, like John the Baptist, to make way for Donald Trump. I believe that he may return, on the world stage… not as President but perhaps as Secretary General of the United Nations. Perhaps he has done his job and will disappear into the sunset but I don’t really believe that.

Donald Trump is the Last King of Babylon. Perhaps the Occultic Rabbis are right. It is possible that it will be he who makes the treaty with Israel and makes possible the building of the Temple. If so, you may expect to see him sitting in the Temple, as if he were God, proclaiming himself to be God… At the very least, he will lead the United States into a nuclear finale…

It has been the plan, since before 1776, that the United States would form the basis of the New World Order. It has always been the plan that we would one day burn and that, out of the ashes, like a phoenix, the New World Order would rise. That is Lucifer’s plan. I believe that the Bible tells us that he will succeed. Our demise will come as a result of our sin. God, in judgment, will remove his hand of protection and allow Satan, whose plan includes our demise, to destroy us. Our death, as a nation, will be, at one and the same time, the Judgment of a Holy God against a wicked and unrepentant people, and the fulfillment of a Satanic plan. Both will occur in a single hour.

The order of some of these things is still unclear to me but this is what I would think likely:

  1. Europe and the Orient weaken
  2. The United States becomes more powerful than ever
  3. America becomes “Great Again.”
  4. Trump wins at everything, here and abroad.
  5. The Jews in Israel call him Messiah.
  6. The Dominionists call him Messiah.
  7. Trump makes a treaty with Israel.
  8. War breaks out on a worldwide basis.
  9. “Aliens” (Demons) show up, introduced by Pope Francis, to “save us from ourselves
  10. Islam suffers a great defeat.
  11. Antichrist (Israel’s Messiah a. is assassinated.
  12. Israel’s Messiah b. raises him from the dead. (His body is animated and incarnated by Apollo / Osiris / Nimrod, the son of Satan.)
  13. Construction on the Temple Starts.
  14. The United States (Babylon) is destroyed in a single hour.
  15. Antichrist and False Prophet move to Jerusalem.
  16. Antichrist sits in Temple, as if he were God, proclaiming himself to be God.
  17. The False Prophet demands that the whole world worship the Beast…
  18. The Saints are defeated.
  19. Two Prophets Prophecy.
  20. Jewish Evangelists flood the world.
  21. The Wrath of God is poured out on the whole world.
  22. Jesus comes back.

That list is incomplete and it could be very wrong. Please pray about these things and ask God to open your eyes and give you wisdom…



“It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.”

In the 17th Chapter of 1 Kings, we find an incredible story. Elijah goes before King Ahab and makes an absurd claim: “As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.” You do not make such a claim unless you know that you have heard from God. Ahab must have laughed. If the King had believed the Prophet, he might have had him killed or imprisoned and tortured, but he let him go.

Then, Elijah has a problem. If it does not rain in Israel, it does not rain on the Prophet. If there is a famine in Israel, Elijah has nothing to eat either. God, however had a plan and He told the Prophet, “Go away from here and turn eastward, and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. It shall be that you will drink of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to provide for you there.” That sounds as improbable as saying that it will not rain again until I say so.

Elijah, however was obedient and went where he was told. We read, “So he went and did according to the word of the Lord, for he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he would drink from the brook.” That is a comfortable position. The nation is in a famine but the Prophet has bread and meat and a supply of water… This is supernatural! One might live out their life in such a situation. But, on this earth, nothing lasts forever.

We soon read, “It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.” Panic Time! God has ceased to supply. The Prophet is where God told him to be, doing what God told him to do. He is comfortable and cared for… This is the life! Then, suddenly and without warning, the Prophet has a real problem. Without water, the Prophet will die and God has turned off the water. Can you hear the Prophet crying and fussing as he goes out to eat breakfast and finds that there is not even enough water to fill his cup?

I can picture myself in such a situation. I don’t know if I would be mad at God or just scared. There is no water here and there is no water in most of the nation… What do I do now? I have been there. I have been very comfortable, knowing that I was where God wanted me to be, assured that I was doing what God wanted me to do, blessed and provided for by the hand of God, when, without warning, the job and the income stopped. That is a frightening place to be. What happened? What did I do wrong? Why is this happening to me? Doesn’t God care?

Have you ever been there?

The fact that I am writing this and you are reading it is proof that such situations, while very uncomfortable, are neither permanent nor deadly. I will be honest with you though, those situations are very, very uncomfortable. Perhaps you are there now. If you aren’t, the greatest possibility is that you will be soon. When the Brook dries up, it is not time to scream or fuss, it is time to move on and to move up.

1 Kings 17:1 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath, and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks; and he called to her and said, “Please get me a little water in a jar, that I may drink.” 11 As she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a piece of bread in your hand.” 12 But she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I have no [e]bread, only a handful of flour in the bowl and a little oil in the jar; and behold, I am gathering a few sticks that I may go in and prepare for me and my son, that we may eat it and die.” 13 Then Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go, do as you have said, but make me a little bread cake from it first and bring it out to me, and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son. 14 For thus says the Lord God of Israel, ‘The bowl of flour shall not be exhausted, nor shall the jar of oil be empty, until the day that the Lord sends rain on the face of the earth.’” 15 So she went and did according to the word of Elijah, and she and he and her household ate for many days. 16 The bowl of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.

When the Brook dried up, the Prophet got up and moved. God told him where to go and what to do. God not only told him what to say to the lady but He gave this poor widow lady the faith to believe what this stranger said, and the good will to serve the Prophet ahead of herself and her son. Now, the Lord has elevated the prophet’s situation. Elijah is no longer living in a cave, he is living in a house. No longer is he eating what birds drop for him, he is eating bread, fresh out of the oven. No longer is God taking care of just the Prophet, He is taking care of the Widow woman and her son as well.

When your Well dries up, don’t panic. Continue to be grateful. Continue to praise God but don’t just sit there. Ask God for directions. Listen carefully and then do what God tells you to do. God may now promote you. The God who has been taking care of you, may now decide to use you to take care of others. God may ask you to challenge others with impossible requests. If God tells you to ask a widow woman for her last piece of bread; ask her for her last piece of bread. If God tells you to promise that He will care for her and continue to provide, tell her so.

That of course, will not be your exact situation. However, you will be challenged to do the unlikely and the uncomfortable.

Sometimes we forget that Elijah and others in the Bible were human.

Please don’t think that it did not cross Elijah’s mind that it might rain the day after he spoke to Ahab or that the Widow might starve to death after baking him a cake. Elijah was a prophet. Elijah was obedient but he was also human, just like you are.

If you don’t believe me that he and the other prophets were human, let me close with one more story…

We should go on to the 18th chapter of 1 Kings. There we find a familiar story. Elijah prays and the rains return, then he challenges the prophets of Baal to a test. One prophet of God against 400 prophets of Baal. They build altars, slaughter bulls and put them on the altars. Elijah tells the prophets of Baal to pray for fire to come down from Heaven and consume their offering.

This should have been easy. Baal was the god of rain and thunder and lightning… this was Baal’s bread and butter. They prayed and cut themselves (like Muslims do today) but nothing happened.

Elijah encouraged them to continue, suggesting that Baal had stepped out to go to the bathroom.

They continued for hours but nothing happened. Then Elijah had them pour water all over his offering. When Elijah prayed, fire fell, consumed the sacrifice, lapped up the water and even destroyed the stones of the altar….

The people then got together and killed all 400 prophets of Baal. Not a good day for the pagans…

But then… we get to chapter 19…

 19:1 Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.”

3 >>>And he was afraid and arose and ran for his life<<<

and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there. 4 But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree; and he requested for himself that he might die, and said, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take my life, for I am not better than my fathers.”

After all of those miracles, Elijah was afraid of a demonized, pagan woman…

Have you been there?

God came to Elijah and the Angel cared for him there. This was not the end of his ministry. I share this with you because such times and situations are common to all God’s people. When the Brook dries up, get up and move. Face the enemy and challenge the righteous. Listen to God and do what He tells you to do. Are you afraid? So was the Prophet of God. Have you run for your life? So did God’s Prophet. These times of pain are not the end… as a matter of fact, it is most likely a promotion in disguise.

Get up, wash your face and get moving. God is on your side.
