MeWe Invite

This is a place where watchmen can share their insights and brainstorm freely…

Facebook has blocked me one too many times for sharing truth… It isn’t funny anymore… I have formed a new group on a platform called MeWe…. If you can do Facebook, you will feel at home on MeWe, except that they do not sell your info and they do not read or censor posts (Which means you can find some awful groups there.) Our group is by invite only… You will be safe there…

Please join us… This is a place for those who are led by the Spirit of God. This is a place where watchmen can share their insights and brainstorm freely…



In Jewish thought, strongly supported by the Talmud, there are two Messiahs; one a Suffering Servant and the other a Glorious King.

Isiah 53 speaks of both a Suffering Servant and a Glorious King…

If you are a Christian, you have been taught that Jesus Christ fulfills both roles, coming the first time as a Suffering Servant and soon to return as the Glorious King… Wonderful and true but when you look at the AntiMessiah, the prophecies, and the Jewish Mashiach, this assumption gets in the way and confuses you. You MUST understand Jewish thought to understand what is happening and what is about to take place.

The Jews absolutely reject the idea that Isaiah is speaking of one person… one Mashiach. In the first place, to accept that would force them to accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah and that is something they are not going to do.

In Jewish thought, strongly supported by the Talmud, there are two Messiahs; one a Suffering Servant and the other a Glorious King. These two do not fit into Christian thought at all. They are, however, Biblical. Christian Prophecy teachers have labeled them the Antichrist and the False Prophet… However, we have different ideas about which one does what.

In Jewish thought, these are not an Antichrist and the False Prophet, they are Messiah the Son of Joseph and Messiah the son of David. They call them Mashiach Ben Yosef and Mashiach Ben David.

Mashiach Ben David is the Glorious King… He is very Jewish. He is very Religious. He is very Moral. He is supernaturally powered and supernaturally intelligent. He works miracles and calls down fire from Heaven. He rules the world from Jerusalem.

Mashiach Ben Yosef may be from the ten tribes or, in Jewish thought, he could be a righteous gentile. He is a military man. He leads the largest and most powerful nation on earth. He commands the world’s largest military. He makes war against the enemies of Israel and overcomes them. He builds the third Temple and reinstates the daily sacrifices. He expands the borders of Israel to the full limit given them by God in the Torah. At his hand, all of the Muslims will die or be subjected. Syria will disappear. Israel will take up more than half of what is now Turkey…

And then, he will die… The way the Jews recognize Mashiach Ben David is that he works a miracle and Ben Yosef, horribly wounded, rises from the dead. Ben Yosef, then joins Ben David as his Viceroy and they rule together from Jerusalem…

You must understand that recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the Embassy, and then, above all, recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli Land are considered genuine miracles by the Israelis… One Rabbi stated that any Jew who does not recognize Trump’s miracles is ignorant of Jewish history!

We do not yet know who Ben David is (although Jared Kushner is a prime suspect) but all of Israel, from the most conservative Rabbi to Benjamin Netanyahu, are convinced that Donald Trump is Mashiach Ben Yosef… And, in their eyes, he has worked the miracles that prove it…

Think about it…
