When will you, Christian, wake up and smell the roses? This is SUPERNATURAL…


It strikes me as strange that the Pagans always seem to catch on before the Christians. I have been saying that Trump is destined to rule the world for almost two years… Christians are still laughing, although a bit nervously now.

Now, the Italians March through the streets of Rome with a giant statue of Trump, dressed as a Titan, a Greek God…

The Rabbis in Israel have identified him as their Mashiach Ben Yosef…

The Italians recognize him as a god…

He wins every battle, against tremendous and overwhelming odds…

When will you, Christian, wake up and smell the roses?



The King of Babylon

THE DONALD: Let us start with the very name. Names are usually appropriate to the person identified with the moniker. That was especially true in the Bible. It is truer in some cultures than others, but even today, we should examine the names of the powerful.

Donald – Scottish, Gaelic: World Ruler.

World Ruler


Not everyone named Donald will be a world ruler, but when a man named Donald becomes a world ruler, one might take notice.

With Donald Trump we have a strange title that has been used for many years and in many places to identify Donald Trump. He has, for years, been called, “The Donald.”

The word the, placed in front of a noun makes that noun singular, one of a kind, and separate. Even if you are not a grammar major, you understand the difference between Donald and The Donald indicates that he is different, one of a kind, set apart,

Put that together with the clear meaning of the word Donald, and it makes a huge difference!

We go from “World Ruler” to “The World Ruler.” Can you hear the difference?

“THE DONALD, The King of Babylon.

Let us be clear:

  1. I am not saying that Donald Trump is the Antichrist.
  2. I am saying that history, prophecy and current events, would present him as a logical candidate for the position.
  3. It is perhaps more likely that he will prepare the way for the Antichrist.


In the Christian world, we are expecting the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The Jews are expecting two Messiahs: Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yossef. The Jewish descriptions of the two Messiahs match, exactly, the description of the Antichrist and the False Prophet in Christian writings and Scripture.

The very word “Christ” is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Messiah. Therefore, it is quite valid to write the title Antichrist as Antimessiah. It is the same exact word.

In Jewish thought, the two Messiahs work together to bring the whole world into subjection to Israel and to Yahweh. It is a very big part of the Jewish story that one of the two Mashiachs will be killed and resurrected by the other. It is strange but true. Scripture speaks of the Antichrist as being wounded in the head with a fatal blow yet living. How can you miss the connection?

The Jews do not accept the Christian interpretation of the two distinctly different descriptions of the Messiah found in Zechariah. Christians see one Messiah coming twice, the first time as the suffering servant and the second time as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Jews see two different men, one the suffering servant and the other the Great King. By the way, they see them as very human, not God at all. According to Jewish tradition, after their conquest of the world, both will grow old and die in Jerusalem.

  • Jewish tradition speaks of two redeemers, each one called Mashiach. Both are involved in ushering in the Messianic era. They are Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yossef.
  • The term Mashiach unqualified always refers to Mashiach ben David (Mashiach the descendant of David) of the tribe of Judah. He is the actual (final) redeemer who shall rule in the Messianic age. All that was said in our text relates to him.
  • Mashiach ben Yossef (Mashiach the descendant of Joseph) of the tribe of Ephraim (son of Joseph), is also referred to as Mashiach ben Ephrayim, Mashiach the descendant of Ephraim. He will come first, before the final redeemer, and later will serve as his viceroy.
  • The essential task of Mashiach ben Yossef is to act as precursor to Mashiach ben David: he will prepare the world for the coming of the final redeemer…
  • The principal and final function ascribed to Mashiach ben Yossef is of political and military nature. He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel. More specifically, he will do battle against Edom, the descendants of Esau. Edom is the comprehensive designation of the enemies of Israel, and it will be crushed through the progeny of Joseph. Thus, it was prophesied of old, “The House of Jacob will be a fire and the House of Joseph a flame, and the House of Esau for stubble.” (Obadiah 1:18): ‘the progeny of Esau shall be delivered only into the hands of the progeny of Joseph.’”[1]

Please note, in many Jewish sources, Mashiach ben Yossef is murdered but resurrected by Mashiach ben David and that is how the Jews recognize him as their Mashiach.

When the Rabbis in Israel say that Trump is preparing the way for the Mashiach, they are saying that Trump is, in their opinion, Mashiach Ben Yossef.

  • Ben Yossef is from Ephraim. In Ezekiel 37:15-28 God had Ezekiel explain that the northern and southern kingdoms (called Ephraim and Judah) would one day be reunited into one nation again with David as their king. Therefore, Ephraim does not symbolize some modern entity or nation, but represents the 10 tribes of Israel who rebelled after the death of King Solomon and formed the northern kingdom. They were conquered by and absorbed into Assyria about 720 BC. This prophecy began its fulfilment in the re-birth of Israel in 1948 and will be completed in Israel’s Kingdom Age, known as the Millennium.”[2]

It is more than possible that Donald Trump is from one of the ten lost tribes, known collectively as Ephraim.

[1] Schochet, J. Immanuel. “Appendix II.” Jewish Traditions and Mitzvah Observances, 19 Jan. 2004,

[2] “One Messiah Or Two? – Grace thru Faith.” Grace thru Faith,

Lucifer’s Quest

Undoing Babel

Could it be that first in the foundation of the United States, and now the New World Order, Satan has been working to undo that which God accomplished at the Tower of Babel?

In this book, David Rice presents the thesis that other than the cross of Christ, the separation of mankind into tribes and tongues and nations was the most devastating blow ever dealt to the enemy of our souls.

Genesis 11:6 reads, “The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

David maintains that Satan has never forgotten that statement and that he has worked tirelessly to undo that separation and reunite mankind. If he succeeds, and Scripture tells us that he will, the Devil believes or pretends to believe that he, his angels and a united people can defeat Jehovah God.

How has this played out in history and how is it being worked out today? Can we see, in today’s push for global governance, the continued efforts of Satan to undo Babel? David writes,

“That which God has cast asunder, let no man reassemble!”

This is an exciting book that may lead you to think in ways you have never thought before and to understand that which has been hidden from you…

Join in as we travel from Babel to Egypt, to Greece through Rome, England, the United States, and the coming New World Order. We will follow the works of the enemy as he seeks to undo that which God has done at Babel, reunite mankind and defeat Jehovah at Armageddon.

On Cyrus, Israel’s new King and the State of the Union

I believe that, as Cyrus defeated the enemies of Israel, Trump will do the same. As Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and moved our Embassy within her walls, so he will build their Temple…

If I had watched Trump’s speech ten years ago, I would have cried and applauded from beginning to end. What a speech! But this isn’t ten years ago, and I watched it through eyes backed by knowledge, wisdom, prayer and much forethought. What I saw was not what I would have seen.

Let me share my thoughts:
1. They kept putting the camera on Jared Kushner. Something shook my spirit as I watched him and something just screamed in my head, “You are looking at the New King of Israel and the Man of Sin.” He did look like the Antichrist from Hollywood.
2. As Trump went through the section on Israel and introduced person after person connected to the Holocaust, and the victims of Antisemitism, a thought came to me… This is Cyrus! 
3. As he spoke of taking down treaties and outdoing the world in nuclear missiles, I thought how Cyrus conquered Babylon, sent the Jews home, and built the Temple.

When the sudden end shall come to Babylon, we shall be at the top of the world. Although it may be indirectly and other nations retain their sovereignty, we shall dictate the affairs of all the nations of the world. We must become more powerful before we fall. There are things we must to do and accomplish first. One of those things that we as Babylon, and Trump as Cyrus, must do is to defeat the enemies of Israel. We must build her Temple and we must install her king. The speech last night was made by the man who shall lead us to a greatness we have never known. The man in the Nation’s Pulpit is the one who will accomplish these things.

I believe that Trump will defeat the liberals and hang their leaders. He will build the wall. Trump will make treaties that increase our national wealth beyond all imagination, he will stop our internal feuding and unite us as a people. The President will be the pendulum in the Hegelian swing that brings the nation to the far right corner of political reality.

I believe that, as Cyrus defeated the enemies of Israel, Trump will do the same. As Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and moved our Embassy within her walls, so he will build their Temple… It will be built in exactly the spot in which the first two stood and the Holy of Holies will sit on the Foundation Stone of the World.

I believe that Trump will install Jared Kushner as Israel’s King and that King Jared will someday rule the world from Jerusalem.

As much as they sometimes seem to clash, I believe that Trump and Pope Francis need each other. The Pope is calling the religions of the world to regress to the worship of Isis and the Pagan Pantheon. Somehow, the Vatican will attain its 1,800-year-old goal of ruling in Jerusalem. If Trump is Cyrus and Kushner is the Man of Sin, Pope Francis is the False Prophet… You have, in these three, the unholy trinity of the Beast. You have Trump as the Military Power, Jared as the Son of David, returned from Babylon to rule in Jerusalem, and you have Pope Francis, High Priest of Isis and unifier of the world’s religions.

Really, all we need now is an assassination, a resurrection and a visitation from Isis (Likely appearing as Mary, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God.) It would not hurt to have a visitation and a full disclosure of the “Aliens who created us.” If “Mary” was the leader of that group and the “Mother of us all” That would complete the picture.

Then, when we are on top of the world, the enemies of Israel have been destroyed, Israel has expanded to her God assigned borders, there is a Temple in Israel and a King on the throne in Jerusalem, America will be destroyed in a single hour. Then, we will sit in darkness and silence. In that day, the merchants of the world will weep, our enemies will fear to take possession of the land for fear of her radiation-induced plagues, and we will no longer be known as the Queen of Nations.

In that day, a King will rule the world from his throne in a Royal Palace built on the hills of Jerusalem…

All this I saw, as I watched the State of the Union Address of 2019…

Again, I could be wrong. I make no claim of speaking for God but I must share what I have seen with my heart and witnessed with my spirit…

Get right with God now. There is so little time…