The Righteous Judgment of a Holy God will bring us down.

Do you believe that God will send in a savior and rescue the United States? Have you placed your hope and faith in Donald Trump? I will tell you clearly that that is not going to happen. This is why…

The American church has wrapped the cross so tightly in the flag that they have a huge problem separating God and Country… They are not the same.

From a human stand point, we want our Heaven here and we want it now. We acknowledge Heaven with our mouths and at least a part of our brain but our plans and thoughts and hopes all end at the grave… Heaven is a foreign land and the United States is our home. We have to fight that and it is a very real and a very difficult fight. Scripture says that we are foreigners wandering in a foreign land and Heaven is our home.

From God’s point of view, our trials, tribulations and suffering are insignificant in the light of the Glory we will receive in Heaven. If Jesus could die on a cross, why can’t you? Jesus received a great reward… so will you.

The Devil is not the bumbling idiot we make him out to be. He commands a huge army of fallen angels and demon spirits. There are demonic princes over every nation, state and neighborhood. They have a plan that they have been working on for thousands of years. History is not a series of accidents and their consequences… it is the result of a very real war in the heavens… Satan’s plans being played out in a desperate attempt to beat his own creator and retain his position as god of this world forever.

The devil has his people… very high and powerful people. These are people who said yes to the same offer of wealth and power Jesus refused. These people can be seen as the manipulators of the marionettes who appear to run governments. When you look at politics, the ruling class has all sold out to the devil. There is no such thing as a righteous leader. What you are looking at, in this political theater, is a puppet show. They know who is going to win and if they make a big mistake and the wrong candidate wins, they will be okay because he is no less a puppet than the other. If you ever look up above the stage and see the puppeteers, you will never see the world the same again.

Add to that, the prophetic timeline. The generation that will not pass away before the end, turns 68 this year… that puts us in a time vice. The New World Order is a euphemism for the Kingdom of the Beast and it is rising. There can only be one super power. In the end, that is the New World Order. That order cannot rise unless and until the United States collapses. We have two things working simultaneously… God’s time schedule and the devil’s last stand. The people on top and their puppets… Clinton, Sanders, Trump and the rest, are all working, together and separately, to bring down the United States. They are all citizens of the New World Order and they will do anything to see the United States defeated. The politic thing is a show to keep you from the truth. So God’s timeline is almost up. God has told us that the world will be under one government, one King, and one religion. That kingdom cannot rise unless the United States falls.

The final point is that it is the Righteous Judgment of a Holy God that will bring us down. He will allow the devil and his minions to work the evil but it is God’s hand that is behind the coming destruction. We have offered the blood of 70 million children to Baal, on the altar of Abortion. We have glorified sodomy. We have called good evil and evil good. We have earned this judgment. The church in America is in utter apostasy. The Church is pro-abortion, pro-sodomy and, to a large part, antisemitic. We have major church leaders taking their people back under Rome and the authority of the Pope. Judgment comes first to the House of God.

That is why I am firmly and absolutely convinced that there will be no last minute save… It is out of the question.

The Donald is a Trump that cannot save.
